Church on the sea

Shiny boat not sure what kind it is though

Frank Sinatra's yacht "My Way"

Marina Mirage for family & friends in the states Australia isn't just kangaroos & outback!

Jo & Mitch having a swim.
We spent a lovely week in Bum's Bay, Gold Coast. Had FUN visits from family and friends.
Jo & Mitch stayed with us over the weekend, and I made a pot of spaghetti sauce. Mike & Sue came down for lunch one day, and tea another day. We had Phillip & Catherine over for dinner one night.
Had a quick catch up with Merv & Rosie (Hurtle Turtles), and Trish & Lance from Euphoria before they headed out to make their way north.There were quite a few boats in the anchorage that we met on our travels up north.
We are now anchored off Australia Fair in the heart of the Gold Coast. I will try and get some night photos as it is quite pretty with all the lights. We will spend another day or two here. Do a bit of a shop and have some long walks, such pretty park areas!
Then we will move on as we have more family joining us this weekend!