The weather is calling for N to NE winds 15 to 20 knots. Okay so out comes the 100 magic miles book to find anchorages for N Ne protection. We decide we would go over to the other side of Whitsunday Island. There are a few spots over there we can check out. It was a nice day and we decided to stop at Hill Inlet on the way as the conditions were good for this. We anchored up made sure the boat was secure and headed to the beach in the dingy. We decided we would do the walk to the lookout. A very nice change as we got to walk in the bush. There are a couple of photo's from the lookout. Then we moved on through the Soleway passage into the first choice which was chance bay anchorage #2, but we went into the anchorage. not a lot of room, too many boats, so we had to continue on. Checked out Chance bay #1 too deep! The day was getting late so we decide we would head for Turtle bay. Dropped anchor in one spot, but didn't like where it put us. this was a crowded anchorage due to the upcoming conditions. We picked up and moved in closer. Was better but not our preferred spot. We stayed put, and about 11:30 pm the winds came howling in. We didn't sleep much until they laid down a few hours later. Up in the morning excited to have an explore in this anchorage as we liked it, but the winds shifted and started to blow into the anchorage. We decided we best move on. Went back through the Soleway passage stopped once again at the beach for a walk (Whitehaven). Then we put up the kite (our big head sail) and headed down towards the Hook passage. We decide to see if we could grab a mooring at Border Island ,but there weren't any available and it was to deep for us to anchor. We did see one of our mates from Mooloolaba inside the anchorage. We had a small chat with him as he was leaving as well under sail. As we were heading back to Hook passage we saw some whales behind us. We pointed them out to Jason, and they decide they would stay behind to watch and go back to Cateran Bay at Border Island. We continued on to Hook and decide we would go into Cid Harbor. Sailed for some of the way, but due to the time decided we should crank up the engines. As we were almost in the sun going down we spotted more whales! In these photos you will see a whale's tail, and a whales spout. Was also blessed with another beautiful sunset!!