We were going to go into Airlie beach fro some provisions, but thought that with the winds from the NE we should take advantage of this and explore some of the Whitsundays you don't get to see often. Left Cid Harbor for Waite Bay, but as we passed Chance Bay we decided we would go in as it wasn't very crowded. It was in Chance bay that we introduced our selfs to a boat name Euphoria, owners Lance & Trish, and Jossie their dog. We went aboard their boat for sundowners and met another friend of theirs in the anchorage as well on Kiamar, Alan. We had a nice evening of conversation. The next day we went for a fish and they were ashore in the next bay getting some palm fronds for making hats and baskets. We went with them a got one for ourselves so I can have a play at weaving. The first thing I learned how to make was a grass hopper. We invited Euphoria, and Kiamar aboard our boat for sundowners that evening. Another great night. We let them know we were leaving in the morning for Waite bay, as we have some friends there waiting to see us. (the Wanderers are back). Lance & Trish just has some friends pull in that day aboard Hurtle Turtle so they said they would catch up with us in waite bay. Does this rock point look as if it is an animal face smiling?
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