We left Cid harbour today. Sailed across the Whitsunday Passage through the Unsafe passage between South & North Molle Island.
Decided we would have a look at this side with a stop at Long Island in Happy Bay. Didn’t really like the look of Happy Bay. Sits off a resort and the resort had most of the anchorage covered with mooring buoys, which you have to pay for if your going to stay. Decided we would go on through and across the passage to Shaw Island. Winds still blowing 15/ 20 ESE. We went through the Narrows with wind against tide, which makes for some rough water.
Once through the passage the conditions were pretty rough as the winds have been ripping for a week now. Couldn’t sail as we had the wind on the nose, so we just made our way through the waves to the other side of the passage. Had a look at Seaforth Island not a marked anchorage in the guidebooks, but we thought we would be adventurist and put the pick out here. Really nice spot, but couldn’t get the anchor to catch as the bottom was slimy grassy bottom. We moved on in the passage between Lindeman Island & Seaforth. Across to Shaw Island to anchor in Neck Bay. We’ve been here to Shaw, but at Burning point. Neck Bay is a much nicer anchorage. Once settled we walked the beach and across the to the ocean side. Had the anchorage to ourselves until about 5 when one other boat joined us. We saw a turtle saw as we sat on the beach. See photo.
Once back at the boat we had our showers, and I had a bit of a drum before dinner. Don could you scan and send us a copy of the rhythms? Thanks
Well enough for now. We are officially on our way South!
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