Friday, March 5, 2010

more on Platypus Bay

While we were anchored off Awinya Creek we had quite an experience. It was about 7:45 pm, and we had a securitee come over the VHF. Which by that time we usually have it turned off, but for some reason we didn't turn it off that night. The securitee was from Brisbane Harbor, and it was a Tsunami warning issued for the area due to an Earth Quake in Chile. Now we weren't real sure what kind of magnitude this earth quake had. We discussed what we should do, and decided that we would move into the Bay into deeper water, away from land. we kept the radio on all night and heard each update still calling for the first waves to arrive around 9:45 am in our area. We got up after the 5 o'clock update which now had a warning for the Hervey bay area where we were. After securing the boat making her ready to move into the bay, we hauled the anchor in. Lucky for us the weather was quite alright this day. We have been having showers and strong wind, but this day the wind was sailing wind and the sun was out. We just moved into the bay and when we got deep enough, and far enough we just decided we would drift for the day. It turned out to be such a pleasant day apart from the Tsunami warning going on. At about 2 pm we decided that nothing was going to come from this warning. We raised the sails and sailed back in towards Wathoomba Creek where we dropped anchor for the night, because now we have to think about the monsoon trough & low pressure system predicted to develop off the coast right in our area! That's another story!!!

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