The weather is still looking good, and we have a choice of moving on, or staying here to explore some more. If we move on today we won't have the time to explore once there and will miss a days snorkeling, so we decided to stay. Once again in the dingy we go with our snorkel, and dive gear for a few more hours in the magical world of underwater reef!! This time we find another area to explore and on our dingy explore around we saw sharks! The first one not sure of the type, but it was about 8/9 ft. or nearly 3m long, and the second one was a black tip reef shark. Okay with butterflies in my stomach I put on my gear and over the side we go, with camera in hand cause if I see a shark in the water I want to photograph it!!!! I have to say there is always that thought in the back of your mind that there could be a shark in the water, but to get in the water after spotting 2 of them, well thrilling is one word that comes to mind, or crazy! Anyway I always get so involved with the beauty of the reef that I soon forget all about any sharks around. They really don't like the tastes of humans anyway. hahaha It turned into another beautiful spot each snorkle/ dive becomes better then the one before. Loving it!!!!!!!
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