Sailed to Cape Glouchster today. Winds were meant to be from SE, but were more E maybe even NE 15/20 knots. Was a great run. We sailed between Olden Island & the mainland. What a beaut little anchorage that is for NE, E, SE +25.
We put or mackeral line out today, and caught 2 fish a shark, and barracuta! Jerrica helped Bruce with the shark, as I was steering the boat and she got 2 photos. I'm so glad she did because this was the type of shark that Bruce and I saw jumping out of the water at Cid Harbor. we have identified it as a Black Whaler Shark, which are known to be VERY DANGEROUS!!
Check out the photo's.
After we anchored we went a shore for a nice long walk. Heaven!! The winds whipped up quite strong, and we had wind against tide in the anchorage. Pretty uncomforable for a little while, as the tide had us side on to the waves.
Now it is peaceful once again.
1 comment:
hey moma,
it's so cool that we caught that shark and the photos i took were very good;), but did you really have to put the picture of me up?:P
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