We woke in the middle of the night to thunderstorms and a wind change while anchored at the reef. Have to admit the conditions of the night weren't very comfortable, but it was worth it to have the snorkel we had! With the winds that blew in at 2:30 am we thought the predicted change had arrived early. Once up and about around 6:30 am we decided to get a move on it before she blows in harder. As the winds are predicted to reach 25kts.
We made our way under sail from Beaver reef to Orpheus Island. Conditions were a bit confused as to expected with winds going from NE to SE. Winds were from the ESE 15 to 18 kts. to start and then changed more from the SE and then going more South before dropping away. By the time we were close to Orpheus the winds were very light, and since we knew we would arrive before dark we just played in the light winds. Something we don't get to do often as we are usually pushing along trying to make the next anchorage. We got in around 15:15 and were greeted by the stillness you see above in the photos. Quite amazing really. One of the prettiest sunsets I've seen in a while.
We will stay here until we get a break in the weather and then move on. Hopefully out t the reef again from here.
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