We've had 2 beautiful days of sailing. Left Cid harbor in a glass out. See photos. Traveled up the passage towards Brampton Island our destination. Around 10:30 the winds picked up out of the N/ NE and we raised all sail. We were making good time by the time we reached Brampton and were enjoying the sail so much we continued on to St. Bees since we've never been there before. Anchored for the night in NE anchorage.
Yesterday we woke to thunderstorms coming to us from the NW. I was up at 4 am, and finally woke Bruce around 5 as they were getting closer and I wanted to be prepared. Nothing but some heavy rain and some lightening, thank goodness now strong winds. We waited until the heaviest of them passed and made ready to travel further South to Curlew.
Forecast is a bit confusing as to where to anchor. With NW blowing on arrival, and NE in the forecast along with S/SW change due in the afternoon. Came into the S anchorage, but no way it is to rough to anchor, so we decided to check the NW anchorage. Once around it was much better, and did provide some protection from the S/SW, which we figured would blow in lightly sometime in the early morning.
After a walk on the beach on that side of Curlew, as you wouldn't get a chance to do that that often due to the prevailing winds, we moved around to the Se anchorage. On our walk a shore we found 3 sets of turtle tracks and nests. One of them looked liked it was laid last night. There was also quite a bit of timbers plastics, and of course shoes!
We now sit in SE anchorage doing a few chores around the boat, and will go a shore in a little while.
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