We left Awinya Creek around 7 pm on Saturday night, and travelled through the night to arrive in good time to enter Lady Musgrave lagoon. We wanted the sun to be high enough so we could spot the bommies. We arrived at around 11:00 a.m.
On the way we saw a hugh pod of dolphins, and some came to swim on our bow. I took this as mothers days gift from the Universe! I thanked the girls for sending Jolly Man to me. ;o)
I did miss not being able to see or speak to the girls on this day, but doing one of my most favourite things, snorkelling, made up for it!!
All went well on the entrance, but it did takes us a couple of times to get the anchor secure.
Although we were tired after travelling all night (we took shifts 2 hrs on 2 hrs off) we decided to take advantage of the calm waters and sunshine. We put on our gear and got in the dingy, and went to find some reef to snorkel on. It is a good thing we did as yesterday it blew and rained all day, and today the sun is shining, but it's been blowing about 20 kts all day.
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