Cyclone damage tree growing back it leaves. These are all from Stephens Island.

amazing colours in the rocks.

This looks to have gotten washed away from the waves during cyclone Yasi

This is a lava fisure.
We had a late start as we so enjoyed the peacefulness of the Hinchinbrook channel anchorage. It was a glass out. We went from this anchorage to Goold Island. We were on our way to Missionary Bay area, but as we passed Goold Island we thought this looks good and we haven't been here yet either. Scarlett went on to Dunk Island. Goold Island anchorage was good, but during the night we had some Sw winds start up and that made for a bit of wind chop on the beam. We didn't hang around long this morning as it was quite uncomfortable, and the wind was blowing a good 12/15 kts. We thought we would have a great sail to Dunk Island as it wasn't a far sail. We had a nice sail for a while but then winds calmed. We were nearly to Dunk and saw on our AIS that Scarlett was still there. We decided to have a bit of fun and planned a pirate invasion. We put up all our colours (pirate flags), and dressed in our pirate gear. As we came up on Scarlett doing our arrrrrrrghs they were just getting ready to make way. We had a good laugh! As they weighed anchor we noticed that the winds were picking up again, and thought we would join them on their adventure. Up went the sails again and we made way for Stephens Island. Craig picked us up and we went a shore for a bit of an explore. Then back aboard we are raising the sails once again to sail onto our next anchorage in Mourilyan Harbour.
We had a very peaceful night here. Scarlett is close by and we were invited on board to watch a movie with them. It was a James Cook documentary. To keep with the theme of the day we dressed in our pirate gear. Scarlett's crew also dressed in their pirate gear. Darn we didn't get any photos of it!!
The movie was very interesting and very long! Before we knew it, it was late in the night, and we didn't even finish watching the movie before we called it a night. We both would like to see the end of it someday.
Being such a peaceful anchorage and it being Sunday morning we took our time this morning. We departed at around 11 with Scarlett. They sailed onto Fitzroy and we have stopped at Russell Island a place we haven't been. We will go a shore tomorrow and have an explore.