Well the anchorage last night at Russell Island wasn't very good. The winds once again went to the SW (not in the forecast), and we didn't have any protection from the SW. Needless to say we didn't get much sleep in this anchorage. The only good thing about it was the wind waves were bow on so at least the movement was up and down not side to side! Yuck that would have been horrible.
We has a great sail today! Sailed in Fitzroy Island anchorage. Scarlett was there after we dropped sails we picked up a mooring but it turned out not to be our size, so we left it. We went close by Scarlett to say hello, but couldn't raise anyone. They must have been busy inside. We continued on around to the NE side of the island where there are a few moorings, and picked one up. I had to travel around coral bommies to get to it. It also turned out to be for a 9 metre vessel, with us being 12 metres that could be a problem if the winds did shift to the NE, as they said they might during the afternoon (seabreeze), that would put us on the rocks! Ouch. Well it was so pretty here we decided to at least make a cup of tea and enjoy the view for a few minutes before we continued on. Not sure of where to go as we have been in Fitzroy anchorage when the winds were more southerly and it wasn't very comfortable. I had a feeling that the winds were going to repeat what they did last night. We pick an anchorage off Cape Grafton called Turtle Bay, which can have a bit of a swell in developed SE winds. We tucked our selves right up in the bay which we can do now due to the neap tides, and we are very protected without too much swell. Tomorrow we will have an explore of the beach, and there is meant to be a waterfall here as well.
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