Cape Bowling Green was a our next stop for an anchorage. There is a picture of our follow companions at sunset. The day was magic a glass out (not good for a sail), but the seas were calm.
We met a couple of locals there fishing off the point, and they told us about the tiger shark, crocodiles, sea snakes, and we saw eels. Also were greeting with dolphins. The magic anchorage turned a bit hellish about 2:30 am in the morning. The winds turned from the south and were howling in. The anchorage is very shallow, so the waves didn't take long to build. We woke and stayed dozing on and off as we were watching to make sure we didn't drag anchor. We finally left at 5 am. Still very dark, but the conditions were getting worse by the minute. As the tide was falling and we were only in 7 feet at 5 am. Later we were to hear how many boats had dragged anchor, and 2 ended up on the beach. We listened on the radio as the boats were being assisted by Coast Guard. The conditions are ones we would normally venture off in, but we had no choose. The winds were as strong as 36 knots at times, but average was 25 to 30 knots. The boat handled quite well. We were taking the wind on the side and the waves on the side so we had a lot of water coming over the boat. We were very impressed to see how well she handled the conditions, and feel comfortable enough in her to know that we an handle those conditions rather well. There is a photo here of another boat as it was passing us you can see the conditions.
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