Well we had a look at the weather. Winds from the SW to SE. Looking at the cruising guides we have of the area. The weather now is so calm it is a good time to look at places you wouldn't normally get to enjoy due to prevailing winds and seas. we chose Zoe Bay. It is on Hinchbrook Island on the East side. Normally you have seas rolling into the anchorage, but these days coming up are meant to be low to no winds and from the west. Were we in for a treat! We pulled into the anchorage around 2 ish, and we were not alone. 5 other boats all from the rally were there. Once the boat was secure on its anchor we decided to head to the beach. What a BEAUTIFUL beach, long walking beach with white sand, and Palm trees! We had read there is a waterfall that runs all year, and since you are never really sure what the weather will do, we thought we should go there now, just incase we have to leave due to weather change. The walk is through the rain forest just a little track. we passed a few people on their way back from the falls. The time is getting late in the day as the sun sets early this time of year. You can see the sun shining down through the leaves of the trees of the rain forest. I scene I will not quickly forget!! we continue on not knowing how long the walk really is. We finally make it to a creek bed where we have to cross over some hugh rocks and some water. Another 10 minutes brings us to the most breath taking scene, and it is all ours no one else is left here for the day! We make our way quietly to the pool made by the waterfall. We're going in no matter how cold. this is a chance that neither of us will pass up! The rocks are very slippery, so we walk to in enough that we can swim of the rocks. It was a little bit spooky as well as the water was deep and dark. Then I hear wow look at the size of that fish. Yikes...., but they came right up to us to check us out. We swam across to the waterfall, and I had to take a few photos. You will see them here. The water was cold but not numbing cold as some can be. We were buzzing from the whole experience. I think this is the MOST BEAUTIFUL place on the East Coast of Australia, and only a handful of people do get to see it. The only way to get there is by boat as it is an Island!
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